5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health Through Earthing

Monday, April 10, 2017
Image courtesy of Tumblr
When the sun rises it radiates a vital vitamin necessary for life. From flowers, to bees, and the human being collecting the honey, connecting with nature is our birthright. Society has turned us away from nature, through social stigmas like hippy culture, hipsters, bohemian, or poverty (which is a social construct). Through the gaze of classism, humanity deters away from their natural habitat and ways for the sake of proper society. Being told that to walk around barefoot is to be taboo and therefore classified as lowbrow, inhuman, or any other terms that deprives you of your spirituality and humanity.

This is where the problems lies. 

In truth, you are missing a very important part of your being. Every vessel that has life comes from the Earth. It is our natural mother. As one people our life force becomes more amplified once we connect with the Earth's essence, similar to the bond a mother has with her child. This bond exist between us and our planet and can be felt through the practice of Earthing.

Here are 5 easy ways you can begin connecting with Mother Earth and the benefits that comes with each practice!

1. One way to experience this great connection is by having a simple stroll through your neighborhood, local park, beach, or any space that is open. You can do this in the early morning or late night. Walking encourages healthy breathing and pacing. It aligns your core and creates a balance within while simultanueously exchanging with the mother force that permiates through and around you.

2. Walking barefeet also connects you directly to the life core of the planet and aligns your spirit with the infinite rymthm of the universe. This is a great way to re-energize and release all negative waves and energies that no longer serves your higher goodness.

3. Just breathe. Fill your lungs with smooth air and exhale whatever keeps you bound. Breathing is an essential rythmn of our human experience as it not only relaxes the mind and body but also provides the tool of carbon dioxide that returns life back to the Earth. 

4. Another way is by stargazing. Stargazing helps you release anxieties of the day as you focus on the present moment, embracing the beauty and wonder of the stars. It also allows you to mimimalize your own stress and desires in exchange for the abundance of the universe.

5. Observation. Through observing you will recieve tons of information about the Earth and the true meaning of life. By watching bees pollinate flowers or woodpeckers pecking on old deforested trees, everything in nature has a divine placement and duty to ensure the continuation of life. Giving you a keen awareness of self and purpose. This will increase self-esteem and identity and overall boost morale.

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