7 Reasons Why Celibacy is Sexy
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For many millennial sex is readily available with the increasing popularity of social hookup apps like Tinder or recently Snapchat. Sex has become more of a pastime than a celebrated event. In that way it has lost the original purpose and sanctity that made it so appealing and necessary in the first place.
With that said, here are 7 reasons why celibacy is the sexiest.
1. Reduce the risk of contracting an STI.
Sexually Transmitted Infections are so 2008 and it's time to start taking care of our bodies and more importantly who we allow entrance into this exclusive private party.
2. Give pharmaceuticals the middle finger and never take another Plan B again.
An unwanted pregnancy is so unsexy for you and your partner. Life can be such a mess without having to add an ultimate life changer to the script. Leave the family planning to when you're ready and able to afford this new and beautiful venture.
3. Reconnect with your body!
The body is indeed a divine and sacred temple. You will discover so much more about yourself and what really turns you on about yourself or your partner. (F.W.I. you can be celibate while in a relationship).
4. Transform your sexual energy into creative energy.
If you're a student or artist or a busy working gal, you can never have too much energy. The law of conservation of energy states energy can never be destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another. Life is demanding already, and we have so much to do or want to do that we might as well put this powerful energy to good use.
5. Increase your life force!
Sex is probably one of the most draining activity that one could experience but even more so, one of the most spiritual expression ever. When two people engage in sexual intercourse, you are exchanging more than pleasure and an orgasm, you are exchanging your souls. This is why practicing safe sex is important but what makes celibacy so sexy, because you protect yourself and your aura from entangling with just anybody. From the wise lips of Aaliyah, you ain't just anybody.
6. Detox past sexual karma.
Yes karma exist within sex. It could be the reason why you find yourself dating the same archetype. If you haven't moved on from an ex relationship, their energies may linger within you until you cleanse yourself and heal from these kinds of relationships.
7. Self love.
Masturbation is your friend ladies! and you should never feel that this is taboo. This is a healthy way to connect with yourself and show the love that you so eagerly give out to others back towards yourself.