4 Reasons Why Self Love is Revolutionary
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Photography by @spritiedpursuits on Instagram
We might think that this is a tough order to fill with all the pressures of society dictating how we should think and feel but this is precisely why we must. In these constantly changing times, not only are our views and values coming into question but there seems to be waves of political unrest taking flight worldwide, and it is within these times where we need to take solace in our abilities to overcome.
Here are 4 reasons why self love is revolutionary:
1. It requires us to brave.
Bravery is courage in action. When we love ourselves in such a way that we feel an air of invincibility then we can be able to tackle issues that affect our lives and those of our brothers and sisters of the Earth. To be brave also means to confront the darker part of ourselves. Its only through facing these aspects that change can occur and growth can begin.
2. Transformation.
This involves stripping away false societal standards and replacing them with ideals and morals that mirrors the person you are becoming. We learn that through transformation, the road is full of uncertainity in the earlier stages but with each step, we eventually learn our way through the darkness and pick up some valuable skills in the process, much like the change in the world we seek.
3. It takes time.
Self love is definetly a journey and a lesson in self discovery. It's an eternal experience. No one ever really reaches a destination because that's not the point. You learn that the journey is the destination. Many people go their whole lives not ever knowing how it feels to have this enriching source of love come from within. So this path is a gift and blessing and a rare stage of existence to live on.
4. Taking a stand.
We make statements everyday with how dress, speak, think, and feel. When the love for yourself grows, it will definitely show. It is a symbol of individuality and deep belief in yourself that no one can break. This is a stand against society and how they feel you should fit within the fabric. Self love gives you the patterns and prints and allow you to create your own designs.